
Becoming a Cook

When I first married in 1997, I didn’t know much about cooking. In fact, in my feminist, liberated mind, I wanted nothing at all to do with the kitchen.

After living skinny in seminary with young children at home, I had to adapt that thinking pretty quickly because eating out is so much more expensive than cooking at home.

Among my recipes, you will find cheap meals which are dishes that can be made cheap for those on a shoestring budget. Grocery costs vary per state, so my cost analysis are always approximate.
As you dig through my cooking journey with my favorite recipes, you will need to keep one thing in mind: I cook for 7 very hungry people. My recipes probably come close to feeding a company size element of soldiers because I like to have leftovers for lunches.

These recipes are tested and winners for my family. All recipes have been made and were approved by my crew. Simply choose a food category, and enjoy!

More Great Recipes on Kay’s Pinterest

I have pinned a number of recipes that I have enjoyed quite a bit or hope to enjoy soon.

Popular Recipes here at Kay’s Korner

Spiced Cider/Wine

Homemade Gluhwein Autumn is here and the temps are falling in Germany (but no snow as yet). As the trees begin to change color, we begin bringing out the warm beverages like spiced cider/wine. Some folks refer to this as mulled wine, but our recipe follows a more traditional German hot wine known as Gluhwein.…

Cinnamon Rolls

I love making anything bread, which is probably why I nearly snatched this recipe out of my friend’s hand when she waved it at me a few years ago. It was a famous cinnamon chain knock off recipe and of course I had to check it out! In this recipe, the butter can be substituted…

Patty’s Simple Dishes

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Patty on Cooking

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Homemade Turtle Desserts

Homemade Turtles   [wc_image attachment_id=”1684″ size=”medium” title=”” alt=”” caption=”” link_to=”post” url=”” align=”right” flag=”” left=”” top=”” right=”0″ bottom=”20″ text_color=”” background_color=”” font_size=””][/wc_image]Making homemade turtles is easy as soon as you catch the hang of making homemade caramel. I showed you guys how to do that earlier this week, so let’s get going on the whole dessert ;-)…

French Bread

[image source_type=”attachment_id” source_value=”1618″ align=”right” size=”medium” autoHeight=”true”]Making homemade French Bread is not as scary as it sounds. There are very few ingredients (5) and no thermometer is required for getting the water temp ‘just right’. Homemade is also best because you can control what ingredients go into  the bread. This recipe has no dairy, no nut,…

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