About Me

Finally visiting the Grand Canyon!

Kay @ Kay’s Little Korner

Wife, mother, homemaker, home educator, handyman, Daughter of the King

Howdy, I’m Kay. First and foremost, I am a Christ follower, daily dying to my sinful nature while seeking the Will of my Savior. I was a young wife, which helped with my growth and sanctification during my early adult years. God matched me with a strong-willed first born for my husband, which I needed! I am the first-born of three girls, which may explain my personality to a tee! I can have a wonky and snarky sense of humor along side a very sensitive heart, which I often try to hide. You will run into all these aspects of me in this blog and I hope this explains more of that 😉

I enjoy hiking, playing games, reading when I have time, good food, baking bread, getting together with friends, history, and traveling.

Welcome to my little ‘korner’ of the web.


Husband, father, Christ follower, minister of God’s word, conservative.

This is the leader of our clan. He is the perfect helpmeet for me because his strong personality can handle mine 😉 We have over 23 years of marriage under our belts, lived in 13 different states, moved 14 times, survived 9 straight years of higher education together, brought 5 children into the world, and continue to work hard on our marriage. He is a devoted minister to Christ and seeks to save the lost while advancing the Kingdom of God by the help of the Holy Spirit.

We have 5 children who are active and normal. As a family, we enjoy: hiking, exploring, playing games, being outside, telling stories, and plain old hanging out. We choose to homeschool our children as we move around for a constant in their lives.

family tree pic 2019 copy

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please shoot me an email via my “contact me” page. I do homeschool 2 out of our 5 children, so my response may not be immediate, but it will be as quickly as I can manage!