
Head ’em up, Roll ’em out

Day Twenty-three We were staying in temporary housing when we rolled out for our trip. The cabin had been cleaned and turned back over to our landlord. We have been burned a couple times by wiley home owners and I want to share a few pointers for renting. I can't stress enough the need for… Continue reading Head ’em up, Roll ’em out



 [image source_type="attachment_id" source_value="2375" align="center" size="large" autoHeight="true"] Day Fifteen At some point during the month of planning, we begin to pencil in the actual miles of the trip. We drove in to Alaska last summer and we are pretty excited to be driving out again. We logged long hours between Edmonton (AB), Fort Nelson (BC), White… Continue reading Milepost



Day Thirteen A PCS is not complete until you have filled every nook and cranny with those final dinner parties and sleepover goodbyes!  [image source_type="attachment_id" source_value="2347" align="center" size="medium" autoHeight="true"] I failed this past month in taking photos with every final playdate and get together we had, but as military away from family, our friends help… Continue reading Playdates