Faith, Life, Thankful Thursday

God is an insomniac.

What a beautiful reminder to have pop up in my blog! I am reposting this for my Thankful Thursday reminder. I love any and every opportunity to remind myself of God's faithfulness in my life. It is especially refreshing to reread in our current circumstance! That may sounds like a strange blog post title, but… Continue reading God is an insomniac.

Thankful Thursday

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!! If there were ever a day to focus on the blessings in your life, today is the day!  Though there are accounts of a thanksgiving celebrations in Jamestown as early as 1607, the Pilgrim's are credited with the first official Thanksgiving celebration, joining together with their Native brothers to commemorate their first successful… Continue reading Happy Thanksgiving


Thankful For Full Tanks

Thankful Thursday [image source_type="attachment_id" source_value="2657" caption="Jefferson Memorial by eGuide Travel" align="center" size="large" link=""] It's been a very long time since hubby has led a marriage retreat, but one of my favorite classes from those retreats is the 5 Love Languages class. The author of this book believes that inside every human is a 'love tank'… Continue reading Thankful For Full Tanks