History Hunting, Holiday

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Happy Saint Patrick's Day to you all! I love St. Paddy's Day, the food, the traditions, the food...ok, I've said that, but the food is good. I used to dislike cabbage quite a bit as a youngster and young adult. However, once I learned that my not so favorite meal could be made better with… Continue reading Happy St. Patrick’s Day


Celebrating Reformation Day

In our home, we celebrate the Reformation Day on October 31. In the year 1517, a young monk names Martin Luther nailed a conversation starter to the wooden door of Christ Chapel in Wittenberg, Germany. This document was a 95 part thesis of grievances young Luther held against the current practices of the Roman Catholic… Continue reading Celebrating Reformation Day

Thankful Thursday

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!! If there were ever a day to focus on the blessings in your life, today is the day!  Though there are accounts of a thanksgiving celebrations in Jamestown as early as 1607, the Pilgrim's are credited with the first official Thanksgiving celebration, joining together with their Native brothers to commemorate their first successful… Continue reading Happy Thanksgiving


To celebrate, or not to celebrate, that is the question

Do We Celebrate Halloween?   Many years ago, when my husband was 8, Patty had a life changing event. She chose to follow Christ as her Savior and her life changed. I don't say that to be coy or over dramatic. Christ was a huge impact for Patty across the board!   [image source_type="attachment_id" source_value="2307"… Continue reading To celebrate, or not to celebrate, that is the question