
Thankful.. well, sort of ;-)

Being thankful is a discipline. It is easy and usually ‘safe’ to dwell on the negatives of life. Happiness and joy are found when you look at the little blessings of the daily grind. Trust me, they are there 😉

I have some bittersweet thanks today. I sit here at my computer very thankful to be alive and thankful that, for the moment, the house is sort of quiet with 40% of my children still asleep. But the bitter comes from the quiet after having a house full of guests. And because I love having people in my home, I dip into the blues in the aftermath of their leaving.

This is not all due to the military life style of always being away from family (though it also keeps me far from my loves ones). We were away from family for the 10 years we were doing higher education. I grew up in a close knit family. Sure the sisters fought and bickered. Hello, sisters! Even while feeling blue in a quiet house, there are many things to be thankful for today 🙂

I am thankful for:

  • a husband who brought in pizza so I didn’t have to cook the night after taking my family to the airport
  • for family that I love and miss. I recognize that there are many people who don’t have family they love or desire to be around. I know I am blessed and I thank God for the heritage He has given me.
the whole clan

  • I am also very thankful for these wonderful children who made this large gathering so pleasant! My older kids helped with cleaning up after meals and they also helped to herd the younger children.
  • I am so thankful that my daughter never got an infection from her nasty cut. My Mother’s Day ended with mom and me taking Bekah into the ER for 8 stitches after she caught some glass with her left foot. It was a rough one, for sure 😦 She has a very low pain threshold.
  • I am thankful for a husband who takes time to make big decisions. I used to be very annoyed with this process of thinking things over for a few weeks before making a big purchase/move. But lately, his careful thought processes have done well for us.
  • I am also so thankful for a God who walks every step of this life with us. For being our guide and loving Father through all the storms and trials of life.
For God, our God, is our defender forever! He guides us. 
~Psalm 48:14
You guide me by your wise advice, and then you will lead me to a position of honor. Whom do I have in heaven but you? I desire no one but you on earth. My flesh and my heart may grow weak, but God always protects my heart and gives me stability. Yes, look! Those far from you die; you destroy everyone who is unfaithful to you. But as for me, God’s presence is all I need. I have made the sovereign Lord my shelter, as I declare all the things you have done. ~ Psalm 73: 24-28

Guide me, oh thou great Jehovah!!!

    9 thoughts on “Thankful.. well, sort of ;-)”

    1. Oh my friend–I know whereof you speak. We’ve lived away from family for many many years now, and I always feel down and blue after a visit. I’m praying encouragement for you. I am glad that you had a good time while they were visiting!I finally met Patrice last night!! We had emailed and talked on the phone, but I hadn’t actually seen her until yesterday. Thank you so much for being that link between us!

      1. Yay for meeting Patrice!! I wish I was closer as you transition to AD. But God has placed wonderful people to become your support group right where you are :-)I hate the ‘post visit blues’ but they are worth it for the weeks of feasting on family, eh?

    2. Woah!? Is Daniel really that tall??? I did a double take for moment, thinking it was one of your extended family members. What are you feeding that boy? ;-)On that same note: Timmy is taller than Brian Z achary! And both are (almost) as tall as the Wilson boys!

      1. That is crazy, I can’t even picture it!!! Yea, he busted out some growth and is now as tall as me. Not hard to do, but the kid is 12 😦

    3. I too understand about feeling low after family leaves. In the military life this is just part of the experience. But we can be extra thankful for the times we do get to be with our family and friends. Blessings and love this list of yours today:)

      1. So true! I didn’t blog and just soaked up their presence while they were here. Then dove in here to get past the icky 😉 We are praying for you guys as you head to your deployment.

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