
National Day of Prayer

I’d like to invite all my readers to consider spending time today to pray. For 70 years the first Thursday of May has been set aside as a day of prayer here in the U.S. I’m a big believer in prayer. Jesus spent quite a bit of time praying while he ministered on earth and Scripture compels us to spend time doing the same thing. Prayer includes petitions, entreaties, supplications, thanksgiving, praise, hymns, and laments.

if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

2 Chronicles 7:14

While prayer is not unique to the Christian faith (both in the ancient times and today), what is very unique to Christianity is that God’s Word tells us that God hears them. He is intimately involved with His children and their prayers. His children are precious to Him, both their joys and sorrows are of His utmost concern. Our prayers don’t always get an instant answer, but never doubt for a moment that they aren’t heard by Yahweh.

“The National Day of Prayer is an annual observance held on the first Thursday of May, inviting people of all faiths to pray for the nation. It was created in 1952 by a joint resolution of the United States Congress, and signed into law by President Harry S. Truman. Our Task Force is a privately funded organization whose purpose is to encourage participation on the National Day of Prayer. It exists to communicate with every individual the need for personal repentance and prayer, to create appropriate materials, and to mobilize the Christian community to intercede for America’s leaders and its families. The Task Force represents a Judeo-Christian expression of the national observance, based on our understanding that this country was birthed in prayer and in reverence for the God of the Bible.”

Here are the things that have been on my mind lately:

  • Our national leadership in all three branches.
  • Our local government officials
  • The churches in America
  • Pastors in America who have been ministering and loving on their congregation during this past year of pandemic
  • The divisiveness brewing in our country
  • Discontentment in lives
  • Fear running rampant and encouraged

To read more about the history of the National Day of Prayer, click here.

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