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Stepping it Up

Getting my sweat on!

In the past, I have blogged about my desire to lose weight and become more fit (you can see those posts here). The older I get, I find the need to stay in shape and retain my mobility is a big deal. Someday I will have a homestead that I wish to be able to manage and have the physical ability to do all that I want to do on that property. I also desire to be in shape enough for when grandkids show up, I want to be active with them and enjoy them every chance I get!

I find that once my own kids get older, I have the unfortunate ability to sit very stationary all day long if I so choose. I have kids that can run and do little things around the house (even helping with meal prep and cooking!) and not much need to chase them down to keep them safe anymore 😉

If like me, you want to challenge yourself to moving more and staying in good physical shape, I have a website that offers great challenges and healthy eating tips for you! Live Strong offers articles, a food tracking app, workout videos, and challenges to get you moving.

Click on the image to join the challenge

If you need an accountability partner in this, I volunteer! We can get moving and remain mobile together!

1 thought on “Stepping it Up”

  1. #metoo
    I’m so sedentary these days even with a farm to work. It’s a real struggle! Trying to just get out and walk each day can seem monumental.

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